I have learned to not post specific goals because they act as Anti-Goals: Things Which Never Get Touched Again. I am hoping that since I list so few that this will be the year I break that curse.
I didn't keep up with Wipocalypse last year but it did get me focused onto WIP thinking and working which I continued for most of the year so it was a success for me even though I did not have monthly stitching.
2013 Goals
More Wip killing!
1. 12/12: 12 wip finishes in 12 months (or more: see how many I can finish & to use that number as a goal to exceed in 2014)
2. Keep new starts to a minimum: finish any new starts within the same year (except for any SALs)
3. Get reacquaintedwith my wips: stitch on at least 1 wip by every designer I have already started.
Specific Goals:
1. Tony Minieri Stars for a New Millenium: stay on track.
2. Pieces of 8: only 5 octagons left: finish this.
3. Blackbird Designs: Xmas Garden: finish this.
4. SB:Sheep, my NY tradition: start & finish a small sheep piece.
5. Permission to start 1 really good sized piece during 2013 (then try to not start anymore big pieces).
1. Put my stash room back together - the annual organization & clean up.
2. Round up my NP canvases. Catalog them.
3. Organize my frame stash.